Trials In Tainted Space Time Limit

Trials In Tainted Space Time LimitSpace
  • Trials in Tainted Space takes the gloves off. We've gone from a planet to a galaxy, removing what little restrictions there were in regards to creature design. The first screen of Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is the character creation page with a selection of race options.
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Another episode of Trials in Tainted Space. May contain long walls of text and keep in mind there's no sound so don't play this video if this easily bore you.

'If I did not relish the challenge of being an outsider, then I could not call myself Kane, could I?'
Kane's bust, by Adjatha
Full nameUnknown
AliasLeads-Hunt-Far (Original Name)
FamilyAble (Younger Twin Brother)
Initial Lust30
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)
  • 4Interactions


The zil brute who is guarding the bottom of the waterfall in Plantation Quest.


Although not heavily built by any means, the 5’ 11” zil is more muscular than most of his brethren, compact muscle rounding the shiny black carapace on his limbs and chest, his ass long and athletic. He carries it well, moving around you with an easy, assured athleticism married to sudden, insectile jerkiness, changing position with a flicker of his giant, opaque wings, latex-like boots clacking as they land. His shoulder length dark brown hair is shaggy, hanging over his long, brooding face, a long, thin scar across one eye. Floppy antennae and scowling, pupil-less black eyes never stop tracking your movements.

He is armed with a smooth, football-sized rock securely tied to a five foot long fibrous rope. He swings it around him with trained precision, an ominous, whirring blur near his fist. The cloying, sweet smell of him is heavy on the air, constantly distracting you, trailing your thoughts away to energetic, honey-soaked sex. You’d hate to think what a large, aggressive zil like this would be like in the smothering confines of the lower jungle.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Kane is extremely aggressive by Zil standards. While it is true that it is Zil custom to fight and assert dominance over others sexually, Kane has a dogmatic belief that strength, true strength is the most absolute and important thing. As such, he is known for always pushing himself and his comrades to always be fighting and growing stronger, going beyond their limits so that they can take what they want without opposition and defend themselves from outside forces that would seek to challenge, ransack, or enslave them.

Because of his beliefs he possesses respect for anyone who can fight or even beat him in a fight. But looks down upon anyone who is weak and especially those who don't really fight, believing that they should only serve as slaves to the strong.

He hates aliens because he believes that they all hide behind their 'magic' rather than facing their problems and enemies with their own bodies' strength and resolve and seemingly decide and take things from others in collectivist, bureaucratic, systems of unearned power after his experiences with Snugglé. He also harbors great hatred towards his brother for his weakness, submissiveness, and pacifism. While he does love him like a brother, he believes he is only good for sucking his and the other hunters' dicks. His hatred of offworlders and the idea of being submissive and weak stems from an event in his life in which his sissy of a brother Able, decided to leave his village for good and when Kane aggressively tried to stop him, Able cut his face with a flint and held it against his throat, threatening to kill him if he ever came near him again. He fears ever being dominated like that by anyone, and is dismayed by what he believes was the byproduct of what happens when a Zil willingly submits to someone else. That they would be willing to please their masters so much that they would betray and kill their own flesh and blood.

Kane also doesn't believe that Quinn is a fit leader for the tribe. He believes that all women start out equal to men but at some point in their life they care more about peacefully settling down and starting a family, caring for children instead of hunting for the village. It certainly doesn't help that he believes that she is/was being manipulated by RK Lah and possibly by you. He is progressively growing frustrated by her rule and the belief that the peace they are experiencing will stagnate the tribe.


Like the rest of his tribe, Kane refers to RK Lah as 'word-wolf' and sees Steele as a pawn of the 'land-stealers'. He clearly doesn't think much of his brother for working for them (or in general). Despite this, if Steele defeats him and the waterfall he seems to gain some measure of respect for them, and supports Steele's claim to challenge Lah if they do so.

Upon encountering Kane, Captain Steele has to fight him in order to access the waterfall. Being defeating by him does not result in a Bad End; Kane instead gives Steele a good hard railing and then deposits them further down the path.


Kane has a riposte system which activates whenever Steele uses two standard melee or ranged attacks in a row. He takes no damage from the second attack, and deals damage to Steele instead.

His combat actions include:

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limited Edition

  • Primitive Roofie - A shield-bypassing stunning attack.
  • Bee Wit U - If Steele is stunned, he molests them for heavy pheromone and tease lust damage.
  • Wind - A crushing attack that heavily drains energy.
  • Double Slap - Two standard attacks in a row.
  • Honey Shot - Once his lust has gotten high he will spend two turns relieving it, which also does pheromone lust damage to Steele.


Kane has standard zil rolls and is worth 8979 XP.


After resolving the Plantation Quest in an outcome that doesn't destroy the village, the option to talk to Kane will be available after fighting him at 'Zil Village Outskirts'. Whether Steele has won or lost will open conversation options with Kane:

- Kane: will ask how he got his name.

- The Scar: will result in 1 of 3 stories, different each time Steele asks. Steele can push the issue on this...


- Quinn: Kane will tell his opinion about Quinn.


After victory in combat, Kane's sex options are:

  • Frot - Rub dicks.
    • Has penis
  • Missionary - Have him put his energy to better use.
    • Has vagina


Kane is an encounter in the Plantation Quest,

The following is incomplete

After the Plantation Quest, Kane can be encountered again in the Zil Village during the day. After a short conversation in which player responses will inflict differing amounts of Lust to Steele. Kane will attempt to talk Steele to either Submit or insist on a rematch against Steele, this time in a wrestling match. Refusing to wrestle Kane will result in an end to the conversation, however Kane will still be approachable to speak again where Kane will again attempt to have Steele submit or wrestle.

The wrestling match will be difficult in which a multitude of factors seem to come into play including Steele's height and Intelligence. During the match, Kane's Zil pheromones will inflict large amounts of Lust damage to Steele. Having maxed out Intelligence will allow Steele to accurately read Kane's next move. Successfully countering Kane's move does not guarantee a victory for that move (unknown if this is intended by author Nonesuch), there is a chance that Steele may simply block Kane's move.

The important thing to watch for during the match is the text of how Kane is grappling with Steele:

- 'The zil pressures you assiduously, first with one arm and then the other, grunting with the effort of forcing you where he may.' counter with Push.

- 'The zil equals your own pressure, side-stepping back and forth shoulder to shoulder with you, growling and chuckling harshly in your ear.' counter with Trip.

- 'The zil falls back under your pressure, slowly retreating towards the edge of the clearing. ' counter with Arm Grab.

After succeeding (not just blocking) 3 times, Steele will win. If Kane succeeds 2 times, Kane will win and Steele will act submissive to Kane.

If Steele is victorious, choosing Sex will be the same as defeating him previously in battle.

If Kane is victorious, choosing Sex will lead to a tree top scene (this may be affected based on Steele's available genitelia and whether or not Steele is a taur and may be affected by Steele's Willpower).

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limited


Speaking to Kane again after leaving will result in Kane again insisting that Steele either submit or wrestle. After submitting to Kane 3 times, Kane will open the 4th encounter with sex. Visiting Kane after this can lead to a Bad End.


  • Kane is named after Cain, the first born of Adam and Eve in the Bible who committed the first murder of his brother Abel in a jealous rage when God favored Abel's sacrifice of the first born of his flock of sheep over his sacrifice of fruits and vegetables.
    • Ironically, Kane is a hunter and his brother Able is a Plantation Worker.
    • In the second ending of the Plantation Quest Kane does wind up killing his brother in a jealous rage. Though it's because he's jealous that the Land-Stealers stole and brainwashed his beloved brother into being their slave instead of his.
    • Kane was given his name by Able as a joke due to his misunderstanding of his Church of the One God lessons from Professor Darnock.

Trials In Tainted Space Time Limitations

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